Understanding Worker Processes and Worker Connections in Nginx

Understanding Worker Processes and Worker Connections in Nginx When working with Nginx, two fundamental directives that play a crucial role ...
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How to Record Full URL in Nginx Log: A Guide for Improved Tracking

nginx log
3. Logging the Full URL For a more detailed log that includes the full URL of the request, you can customize the log format further. This format combines the $request_method, $scheme, $host, and $request_uri variables to provide the complete URL:
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Solving Nginx’s “403 Forbidden” When Serving Static Files

nginx 403 for static file
Incorrect File Permissions: Nginx must have read permissions on the files it serves. If the permissions are set too restrictively, it can lead to a 403 error. Directory Ownership: The directory ownership might not match the user under which Nginx runs, causing permission issues. Nginx Configuration Errors: Misconfigured settings in the Nginx configuration file can also lead to a 403 Forbidden error. SELinux or AppArmor: Security modules like SELinux or AppArmor can prevent Nginx from accessing files, even if the file permissions are set correctly.
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Nginx Hosting Multiple Domains on the Same IP: A Comprehensive Guide

host multiple domain for same ip
Nginx uses server blocks to define how it should respond to requests for different domains. A server block is essentially a configuration section in the Nginx configuration file that specifies how Nginx should handle requests for a particular domain or set of domains. Example Configuration Below is an example of a server block configuration for hosting two different domains on the same server:
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Tracing Nginx Configuration with PID and Command

find nginx config with pid
Once you have identified the full path of the Nginx command, you can use it to perform a configuration test and identify the nginx.conf file being used: /full/path/to/nginx -t
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Resolving (13: Permission Denied) Error When Connecting to Upstream: Nginx Troubleshooting

nginx Resolving (13: Permission Denied) Error When Connecting to Upstream: Nginx Troubleshooting
Are you grappling with the vexing "(13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream:[nginx]" error while configuring your Django project with Nginx and Gunicorn? Fear not, as we delve into the intricacies of resolving this issue to ensure smooth sailing for your web application. Let's dissect the problem and explore viable solutions step by step.
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Understanding Nginx URL Rewriting: Exploring the Difference between Break and Last Flags

nginx break and last
Nginx, the powerful web server renowned for its flexibility and performance, offers a robust URL rewriting mechanism. However, for many, distinguishing between the "break" and "last" flags in rewrite rules can be perplexing. Fear not, as we delve into this topic with clarity and precision.
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Troubleshooting “unknown directive ‘stream’ in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

nginx modules
If you've encountered the error "unknown directive 'stream' in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:86" while working with Nginx, you're not alone. This issue typically arises when the Nginx stream module is not properly configured or loaded. Let's walk through the steps to resolve this error and get your Nginx server up and running smoothly.
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